26 May 2011

Cross Country

On Tuesday 17th of May the whole senior school had house cross country. We had to run 2 kilometres. It was hard!!! 8 people in my class got into district. I came 11th. I was proud of myself. We all had a great time. By Stefan

On Tuesday the 17th of May we did house cross country. I came 11th in cross country and Maya came 1st and Jess came 6th!! They got in district! From Kelsey

Well done to ALL the grade three to six students who ran in their age level races. In 3/4B we have many enthusiastic runners and several students either won their race or placed in the first few runners.

Congratulations to Riccardo, Joel, Maya, Julia, Jess, Koetsu, Josh and Jasmine who qualified for district cross country. We are proud to have so many high achievers in our class!

Mrs H

23 May 2011

Super Egg and Kerrimuir Gift

On the last Friday of term one Kerrimuir had super egg and Kerrimuir gift race.
First we waited until end the of snack when it was time for super egg time but before you came out you had to go and get your egg. Then you went to the FFG and sat down and waited for the other classes to come. In the whole school there are 13 classes and when the thirteen classes came we started. In each class was a winner to challenge other people who won in their classes and Jemima won the whole thing.

By Aliya

Here is the 3/4B class Super Egg race from the last day of Term 1. Well done to everyone who participated, and a special congratulations to Dakota the winner!

Circus Skills

For the past few weeks each class at Kerrimuir has been enjoying some fantastic workshops with circus performers. The students will be sharing about their experiences soon, but for now here is a photo to enjoy! Well done Aryan and Andrew!

Mrs H :)

15 May 2011

Education Week

It's Education Week! To celebrate the week Kerrimuir Primary School is holding a School Open Night this Wednesday 18th May 2011 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.

All classes in the school will be performing or presenting work in some way, so be sure to come along and celebrate the students' learning achievements.

Level 3 will be performing two songs on Wednesday night in the Multi-Purpose Room. Both songs relate to our integrated studies topics from Terms 1 and 2. Following the songs there will be an opportunity to have a look in our classrooms and see displays of the fantastic work students in Level 3 have been doing in Terms 1 and 2.

We hope to see you there!

07 May 2011

Aussie of the Month

Kerrimuir Primary School runs a fantastic values program which can be viewed in detail at the KPS website. To recognise outstanding members of our school community, students who choose to live the values of our class and school are nominated for the "Aussie of the Month" award.

For the month of April, the following 3/4B students were nominated by their peers - Joel, Chris, Mia and Maya. All students in 3/4B demonstrate the Kerrimuir values and deserve to be recognised, but unfortunately there can only be one winner! 3/4B voted and the winner for April was Chris. Well done! Chris was entered into the whole-school draw to win Aussie of the Month, which was drawn on Friday 6 May. Unfortunately Chris was not the winner this time, but we congratulate Chris for his efforts and for being such a wonderful class member. All of our past nominees and winners are listed on our blog for you to see.


Great news - the library at Kerrimuir will be officially open from Monday 9 May 2011. 3/4B will have a 1/2 hour session of library each week on Friday afternoons. Students will need to bring a library bag on Fridays if they wish to borrow books. I encourage all students and families to make full use of our fantastic new library facilities and borrow books to read in class and at home. In Level 3 we recommend 15 minutes of reading every day at home (on top of any reading done in class). This can be recorded in your Reading List and signed by a parent/guardian.

I have noticed many students continued reading in the school holidays and filled in their reading lists. Well done!

From Mrs H.

Welcome to Term 2

Welcome back to Kerrimuir for Term 2! We hope your holidays were fantastic and that everyone enjoyed the extra long break. 3/4B are straight back into the action, with many exciting things happening in the first few weeks of term.

The Circus Skills program started this week, and we all enjoyed having a go at spinning plates, hula hoops and diablos (including Mrs H!) In a few weeks the program will conclude with a special circus skills excursion.

NAPLAN testing will occur next week for the Grade 3s on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. After the tests we will have a lovely relaxing excursion on Friday 13 May that combines our Japanese, Art and Music programs. Some special people will be performing at the Box Hill Community Arts Centre - the family of our very own Koetsu in 3/4B!

Soon we will be starting our new integrated studies unit - Keeping In Touch. It will be great to learn all about different types of communication technologies used in the past and present. And together with 3/4A, we have an exciting opportunity to 'keep in touch' with Year 3/4 classes at another school!

Finally, on Wednesday 18 May some students will be attending the Cottee's Schools 5-a-side soccer competition. We are taking six teams to this comp and we will be proud to represent Kerrimuir as we compete against other schools.

WOW! There are lots of things happening in Term 2! Please have a look around our blog and feel free to send us comments because we love to read them.