17 August 2012

Olympic Village

This Term Level 4’s project was to make an apartment for two athletes. The apartment had to have two bedrooms, one kitchen, and one living room. You could add other stuff but you had to have a reason why you wanted to put in extra room. One of the biggest challenges was that you had to fit it all into a shoebox! One person from each grade got put into a group to design the apartment. The apartment had to be cost efficient and sustainable.

We had about a week and a half to finish the apartment and most people finished. I was in a group with Lucy (6C) and Nyang Nayang (5/6A). I did most of the furniture and some of the constructing. My favourite bit of the project was putting the floorboards in, (I know I’m weird), with Paddle Pop sticks. My group didn’t get a shoebox till technically, the SECOND last lesson!!
We three didn’t really meet the expectation of the cost efficient rule; we spent a lot of money! We made most of our furniture out of cardboard and Paper, and some TBA cubes.
In the end we finished. Our apartment looked a little rushed, but overall it looked good!  

By Sarah

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