02 May 2012

Twilight Sports

On the 27th of March most of the students of Kerrimuir Primary School came to the oval at around 6:00pm and came to do some sports.

 The sports that we were doing were the teddy bear race was for the preps, they had to carry a teddy bear on their back and run to the finish line. The balloon race for the grade 5\6, they had to run to the end of the line with a balloon when they got to the finish line they had to blow up the balloon, tie it up then pop it and run back to the end. The three legged race for the preps and the buddies they had to tie a bandanna around their legs so it became three legs, then they had to run to the end. A jumping race for the friends and parents they had to connect arms and jump very far and if someone disconnected arms or fall over they had to start again. A relay race for the parents and one of the parents fell down. The waddle race was with a ball between the grade 4 students’ legs and run all the way to the end without dropping the ball between their legs. The grade 2’s did the egg and spoon race they had get a hardboiled egg from home then put it on a spoon and run\jog\walk to the finish line. The grade 3’s did the sack race they had to run with a sack on them to the finish line. The school and house captains\vice captains had to set up the whole thing! There was also food and drink. It was really fun.                         By Chris Moutafis


Anonymous said...

Hi nice writing Chris

From CHris

Anonymous said...

What's up Chris? You have a great blog!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What's up Chris?! You have a really good blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey chris you have the most information in your blogs good job keep up the good work

from James