17 August 2012



Since the London Olympics has started, the teachers of level 4 had an idea to bring the excitement and the feeling to K.P.S by starting a badminton competition. By the time the teachers had announced and had mentioned that there was a badminton competition, we all were very excited.

So one normal weekday we would come to school as usual and study all day and then go home... well, not today. When the music had gone and the level4s came in to the building, we were all surprised at what we were seeing. There it stood a big stand with a net on it-like a tennis net, only higher. We were all wondering what it was.

Later, the teacher explained to the level 4 students what it was and what is was for. Then we knew. It was a badminton net for us to play with, and to do competitions. The first thing we had to do before we got to have fun with the badminton court was to pair up with someone so we could play another pair, and also once we had paired up, we chose a team name. So I paired up with Torbin and named our selves R.I.P. Other teams chose funny names too.  When the blue grid was full with team names and the players, we made a fixture that worked just like the Australian Open. First to 7 would win, and on the other hand the loser would no longer be in the competition.

The fixture looked like this

By Jade




Year 5A said...

Hi Jade
What a fantastic blog post! You explained the badminton competition very clearly and used really interesting and exciting words.

Good luck to you and Torbin in the competition!

Mrs Hamilton

Anonymous said...

Hi Jade
I really like your blog because badminton was really awesome and I agree that people chose funny names.
From Chris

Anonymous said...

Dear Jade,
Great job with the blog it looks fantastic. How long did it take you to insert all of the boxes? It looked like it took you ages.

By the way it's there will always be next time to win a badminton challenge or will there????
From your badminton partner Torbin

Koetty said...

I really liked your blog too just like the others. Welldone for making it to the semi-finals!!