17 August 2012

K.P.S. Hoop Time!

One day grade 5 and 6 did hoop time!
Hoop time is when 4 teams in each school come together to play basketball. If you win more than 5 games you can get in the finals and win a basket ball.

Well all the K.P.S. teams did great and 3-4 teams made it to grand final. 2 teams lost in the finals and the other team tied. 2 days later Mrs. Hamilton announced something very exciting, 1 team made it to region! That team was called the K.P.S. koalas, everyone in the koalas where screaming with joy. The people that where in the koalas where Jordy, Daniel, Zac, Lucy, Nikita and me. As well everyone that played hoop time got a McDonald’s voucher. You got to choose a chicken rap or a cheese burger. By James


Abhi said...

Really cool blog James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yicheng said...

hey,that's cool! wonderful!3 cheers for KPS Koalas,woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Thanks yicheng
from James