31 October 2012

Japanese Day

Japanese Day

On Friday the 19th of October Kerrimuir Primary School had an astonishing event called ‘Japanese Day.’ We didn’t have assembly like other Fridays; instead we had the opening ceremony for the Japanese Day. The ceremonial event consisted of Koetsu’s Dad Toshi playing his well-known tune on the drums.

After the Ceremony we got into our groups and off we went to our activities, drumming was my first activity with Toshi. I had a lot of fun with this activity and I think the other did as well.

I also got to make Okonimiaki which is a scrumptious Japanese vegetable pancake which contained, yep you guessed it Vegetables! We had to use chopsticks to eat it with which was quite challenging at first but when you get used to it, it’s quite effortless.

Next my group got to participate in the Undokai events including a Sack Race, Dodge ball, an Obstacle course and a running event. My preferred event was probably Dodge ball.

At the end of the rotations we had the closing Ceremony, Oh and I almost forgot in the opening Ceremony there was a Costume Competition. I can’t quite remember who won but I know that Zac Dooley won it for the senior boys.

By Torbin.          


Anonymous said...

Even Though I wasn't there it sounds awesome!!!! From Chris

Mrs Hamilton said...

It certainly does Chris, what a shame you missed out. Torbin, what an incredible piece of writing. You should be very proud of yourself. Mrs H

Torbin said...

Thank You :D