01 November 2012

Abhi's Japanese Day

  Japanese Day

On Friday the 19th October we had a special day called... Japanese Day!!! We got to do different Japanese cultural activities. We got to draw, cook, and play Japanese sports and do drumming with Koetsu’s dad.

We got to have a drawing instructor to tell us how to draw 3D images on our piece of paper. I drew myself as a strong, ripped body builder! The secret to make your picture more muscular was to make him/her have a fat neck. This was called “manga” in Japanese.

The 2nd thing we got to do was “undookai” the Japanese name for sports. We got to play paper, scissors, rock and do a relay. I liked the realy a lot because there was a lot of challenging things you had to do in the relay.

The 3rd activitie was my least favourite... it was the sushi activitie. I couldn’t make or eat the sushi because I was allergic to it. But it didn’t matter because this has happened to me hundreds of times before and I was okay with it.

The last activitie was my favourite... it was DRUMMING with Koetsu’s dad! I got to play the small drum and I followed along quite easily with Koetsu’s dad. I also got to play a Japanese gong which I played pretty good as well. I had a wonderful time that day and I hope everybody else did too.

By Abhi

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