01 November 2012

Book Review

Book Review
Ruby Redfort Take Your Last Breath
By Lauren Child

Ruby Redfort is a secret agent working for the undercover spy agency, ‘Spectrum’. Her secret mission this time is to go all the way to the bottom of the sea and unravel a mysterious mystery.

Here’s a sneak Peak of Ruby Redfort Take Your Last Breath!

“Don’t Worry Redfort,” said the dive instructor, chuckling. “It’s highly unlikely that the Sharks will want to snack on you – far too small.”

“On the other hand”, said one of Ruby’s fellow trainees, “maybe the kids the perfect bite-size portion.”

“Funny, really funny”, said Ruby. She pulled down her mask and fell backwards off the boat. Ruby Redfort was not scared of Sharks.
Not yet, anyway.....

I rate this book 5 out of 5!!
By: Sarah :)

1 comment:

Mrs Hamilton said...

Hi Sarah, sounds intriguing! I look forward to reading it soon. This is an excellent review, well done. From Mrs H.